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The era of ultra fast charging of new energy vehicles is coming. Slow charging and difficult charging are expected to turn around

(our reporter Li Chunlian)

On August 30, the reporter of Securities Daily learned from the Information Office of Sinopec that the lotus super charging station, Sinopec's first community super charging station in China, was completed and put into use in Longyan City, Fujian Province. The planned area of the project is about 4800 square meters, and it can charge 24 vehicles at the same time. It integrates refueling, charging, photovoltaic, rest and so on. It can fill an ordinary family car with a endurance of about 400 kilometers in 25 minutes at the fastest. It is estimated that the annual average charging capacity is about 3 million kwh, helping the green and low-carbon transformation of energy.

This is not the first time Sinopec has laid out super charging stations. In early August, the first "photovoltaic charging and inspection" energy station project jointly constructed by Sinopec Fujian Petroleum and Ningde times in Fujian was completed and put into operation at the Mindong Road gas station in Ningde, Fujian.

At the same time, traditional energy enterprises such as BP and shell, as well as automobile enterprises such as ideal automobile and Xiaopeng automobile, are also accelerating the layout of high-voltage fast charging.

With the continuous increase of the number of new energy vehicles, the problem of slow charging and difficult charging has become increasingly apparent. How to solve this problem? This has become a field that energy enterprises and automobile enterprises are constantly exploring.

The era of ultra fast charging is coming

Traditional energy enterprises are constantly working in the field of ultra fast charging.

It is understood that BP electric and mobile travel department (BP pulse) and avita technology will jointly invest to build more than 100 ultra fast charging stations in 19 cities in China by the end of 2023. BP pulse will be responsible for the construction and operation of charging stations. The power station is equipped with a charging gun with a charging power of 240kw, which can last 200 kilometers in just 10 minutes.

In this regard, Xu Xiaoyan, vice president of BP's charging and travel business in China, recently told the Securities Daily that for energy enterprises, strengthening the multi track layout in the field of electric vehicle energy supplement has important strategic significance for energy transformation. High voltage fast charging can open up new usage scenarios and serve more diversified customer groups; At the same time, similar to the refueling speed, the parking time of vehicles can be reduced, so as to improve the utilization rate of the station and improve the operation efficiency. The upgrading of high-voltage charging piles is relatively easy, and the design cost of high-voltage and low current is much lower than that of low-voltage and high current.

Sinopec told the Securities Daily that the company actively embraces the transformation and development of transportation and energy, strengthens the reasonable planning and utilization of existing sites for the construction of charging and exchanging power station infrastructure, consolidates the leading edge of the hydrogen energy industry, accelerates the construction of "oil gas hydrogen power service" comprehensive refueling stations, and plans to build 5000 charging and exchanging power stations by 2025 to forge a strong and efficient industrial chain.

In addition to energy enterprises, automobile enterprises are also more active in the field of ultra fast charging.

Recently, the R & D and production base of ideal automobile power semiconductors was officially launched in Suzhou high tech Zone, Jiangsu Province, which marks that ideal automobile officially launched the independent industrial chain layout of the next generation of high-voltage electric drive technology.

Not only ideal cars, but also Xiaopeng automobile recently announced that 1000 self operated charging stations were online, which is also the first station equipped with the latest generation of ultra fast charging pile S4 in China.

In this regard, Qi Haili, President of Beijing Teyi sunshine new energy, told the Securities Daily that on the premise of ensuring the safety of power battery charging, improving the charging voltage and increasing the current charging must be the goals of the charging field. After all, we still need to make continuous efforts to reduce the charging time and reduce the waiting time of users.

All parties in the market are constantly laying out

In the process of the development of new energy vehicles, slow charging and difficult charging have always restricted their development. In particular, on the highways in holidays, new energy owners often "complain" about it. With the increase of new energy vehicles, the charging infrastructure has not been improved accordingly.

Data show that in the first half of this year, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 2.661 million and 2.6 million respectively, an increase of 1.2 times year-on-year. The production and sales scale reached a new high, and the market penetration rate was 21.6%.

Therefore, in order to alleviate the "mileage anxiety" and "energy supplement anxiety" of electric travel, it is a general trend to lay out ultra fast charging. And 800V high-voltage fast charging has become the focus of the current industry layout.

It is worth mentioning that in order to ensure the product power of ultra fast charging pure electric models, the ideal automobile series models will be equipped with an 800V high-voltage electric drive system based on silicon carbide power modules, giving full play to the high-voltage and high-temperature resistance characteristics of the third generation semiconductors, and achieving a significant improvement in power density and system efficiency.

"For car companies, the essence is to enhance the brand value. By providing high-voltage fast charging to car owners, users' anxiety about energy supplement in the process of purchasing electric vehicles can be alleviated, the charging experience can be improved, and the process of electrification can be promoted." Xu Xiaoyan also told reporters that a high-voltage platform means that under the same power, the current is smaller, the heat dissipation is less, the system efficiency is higher, the cable investment is less, the energy density of the battery is greater, and the space taken up is less. Driven by the gradually mature brand charging and replacing system and direct sales mode, the layout of high-voltage fast charging can improve brand service, provide better experience for customers, expand charging scenarios, and prepare for potential energy business in the future.

With the continuous layout of high-voltage fast charging by all parties in the market, problems such as slow charging and difficult charging are also expected to usher in a turn for the better.

According to the Research Report of CICC, with 800V models such as extreme fox alpha s, avita 11, Xiaopeng G9 and Great Wall Jialong coming on the market in succession within the year, 2022 will be the first year of mass production of 800V models.

Western securities also believes that with the continuous increase of the production, sales and ownership of new energy vehicles, the high vehicle pile ratio has led to prominent problems such as "difficulty in waiting for piles". Many car companies have applied high-voltage fast charging, and the first year of fast charging comes with the wind.

Source: Securities Daily editor: Zhang Limin

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